(33) Mon 26 May 97 7:36p Sent: Mon 26 May 8:53p By: Jim Webb To: Rick Gordon Re: C:\IM\FILES\fwall22c.zip St: Pvt Crash Kill Rcvd Sent ----------------------------------------------------------------- @INTL 1:130/612 1:342/1020 @MSGID: 1:342/1020 5d139826 @REPLY: 1:130/612.0 38a06630 > Greetings Jim! > > Attached to this message you will find my heavily modified > version of your FREEWARE door Fantasy Wall. I figured you > desrved a copy since you wrote the original program :) > > May I have permission to distribute the file? I would at > least like to have permission to send a copy over to Jay > and Cammy Cochrane since they were very kind and gave me > permission to use thier "Sage" ansi in the christian > version of the door. > Yep...That's fine Rick...I don't have any problem with you distributing the door like this. Have fun... JW